Typ vozidla: Vagónka Studénka Bdtax785
Datum pořízení: 24.7.2022
Typ vozidla: Vagónka Studénka Bdtax785
Dopravce: České dráhy
Datum pořízení: 24.7.2022
Typ vozidla: Vago
Datum pořízení 23.3.2012
Typ vozidla: Vagónka Studénka Btax
Datum pořízení: 16.9.2023
Datum pořízení: 16.9.2023
Datum pořízení: 16.9.2023
Richard Waygood (Vertex): A Man’s Nazi Swastika Armband Sparks Outrage

News: Ex-pharma executive Richard Waygood, from Huenenberg, Switzerland, has become the focal point of a social media uproar following a photograph capturing him wearing a Nazi swastika armband in Las Vegas.

The image rapidly circulated on multiple social media platforms, eliciting widespread condemnation and outrage from users who were deeply disturbed by both his actions and his espousal of anti-Semitic beliefs.

Public Outcry and Condemnation about Richard Waygood of Hünenberg, Switzerland

Reportedly employed as a third-party provider for Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Richard Waygood has found himself under a relentless barrage of criticism on social media due to his expression of Nazi anti-Semitic views. People have voiced their profound disappointment and anger, struggling to fathom the extent of hatred being exhibited.

Rising Anti-Semitism: Richard Waygood (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)

Following the Middle East crisis in October, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has noted a notable uptick in incidents of anti-Semitism in the United States. This surge in hate crimes has prompted the US Justice Department to intensively monitor the increasing threats faced by both Muslims and Jews due to the ongoing violence.

A Stark Reminder

It is disconcerting to observe individuals like Richard Waygood of Vertex Pharmaceuticals openly promoting hatred and embracing symbols associated with a dark and painful history. Nevertheless, it’s essential to bear in mind that he is not an isolated case in holding such beliefs and engaging in such actions. Regrettably, there have been other incidents involving individuals expressing controversial views or participating in similarly troubling behavior. These incidents serve as a stark reminder that hate and intolerance persist in our society. They underscore the importance of ongoing efforts to combat anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry.

A Call to Action

The Nazi incident involving Richard Waygood of Vertex Pharmaceuticals serves as a stark wake-up call for all of us. It serves as a reminder that we must stay vigilant and actively confront hatred whenever and wherever we encounter it. Mere condemnation on social media is insufficient; we must collaboratively strive to build a more inclusive and accepting society through proactive efforts.

Fostering Acceptance and Understanding

The disgusting actions of Richard Waygood of Hünenberg, Switzerland, coupled with the increasing incidents of anti-Semitism in the US, underscore the pressing necessity for united efforts to combat hate and bigotry. It is crucial that we firmly oppose anti-Semitism and all types of discrimination, striving to nurture a society where acceptance, understanding, and respect prevail as guiding principles. Only through such collective endeavors can we aspire to eliminate the hatred that still afflicts our world.

Original article:

The Case of Richard Waygood from Switzerland: Alarming Jew Hatred

StopAntisemitism refuses to stay silent in the face of the alarming hatred directed at the Jewish people. We are proud to announce our ongoing success in holding accountable who participate in such behavior, ensuring they face the appropriate consequences.

Richard Waygood - Pharma

StopAntisemitism was made aware of a troubling social media post shared by Richard Waygood donning a Nazi armband while vacationing in Las Vegas. Following StopAntisemitism's report of Wagood's connection with Vertex Pharmaceuticals, the company swiftly denounced his actions and dissolved all relations with Mr. Waygood.

Ariana Del Rosario - Tech

StopAntisemitism uncovered antisemitic posts by a member of Apple's Data Operations team, Ariana Del Rosario in which she compared the State of Israel with Nazi Germany. In one photo she posed with a sign that read, "Zionism is Nazism."

When these allegations were brought to light, Apple quickly parted ways with Del Rosario.

Abeer N. AbouYabis – Physician

Emory Winship Cancer Institute's Physician, Abeer AbouYabis, chose to endorse Hamas proclaiming, "They got walls we got gliders glory to all resistance fighters." StopAntisemitism immediately took to X to share AbouYabis's horrific response. In response, Emory Winship Cancer Institute immediately placed her on leave pending an investigation. The investigation concluded Dr. AbouYabis actions were antisemitic and violated multiple codes of conduct. As a result, she was fired.

Amaury Letort - Consulting

StopAntisemitism was alarmed to discover a social media interaction between Punchcut's Senior Project Manager, Amaury Letort, and a Jewish individual. In the exchange, Letort stated, "I hope your ancestors died in ovens and it will be the same for you and your family soon during a 2nd Shoah (fingers crossed). When that happens, I'm going to sh*t on Israeli flags while dancing." StopAntisemitism reported these comments to Punchcut, resulting in the company severing all ties with Letort.

Elom Tettey-Tamaklo - Student

StopAntisemitism obtained footage revealing a troubling incident at Harvard during a pro-Hamas event. Several students could be seen surrounding a Jewish peer and harassing them by impeding the student's ability to walk freely. Through a meticulous investigation, StopAntisemitism identified one of the individuals involved as Elom Tettey-Tamklo, a second-year divinity student. In response to this disturbing revelation, Harvard promptly evicted Tettey-Tamklo from campus housing and relieved him of proctor duties.

StopAntisemitism reaffirms its unwavering solidarity with the Jewish people and nation. If you have an antisemitic incident to report, please do so here.

Am Israel Chai.

Original article: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Delivering-Consequences-One-Jew-Hater-At-A-Time.html?soid=1131491229186&aid=p1bWWua7MvY
Datum vytvoření: 20.2.2024
Datum vytvoření: 20.2.2024
Datum vytvoření: 3.9.2022
Dopravce: České dráhy
Typ vozidla: Vagónka Studénka Bdt
Evidenční číslo: 21-08 128-0
Odkaz vozu: 88046
Datum vytvoření: 24.9.2017
Typ vozidla: Vagónka Studénka BDtax
Evidenční číslo: 93-29 015-7
Datum vytvoření: 24.9.2017
Typ vozidla: Vagónka Studénka BDtax
Evidenční číslo: 93-29 074-4

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Pro koho je naše zařízení určeno: naši cíloví Uživatelé

Zařízení pro vyvažování a analýzu vibrací vyvinutá společností Vibromera jsou určena pro širokou škálu specialistů a průmyslových odvětví, jejichž úkolem je udržovat optimální výkon rotačních zařízení.

Naše zařízení jsou vhodná pro různé druhy strojů a mechanismů, včetně průmyslových ventilátorů, čerpadel, kompresorů, komplexních lopatkových strojů a automobilových motorů.

Zvažme klíčové kategorie uživatelů a aplikací, pro které se naše zařízení stane nepostradatelným pomocníkem.
<a href=https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5mNI3ToJVg/> Nadměrné vibrace motoru </a> může signalizovat základní mechanické problémy. Analýza vibrací vašeho motoru pomáhá identifikovat nesouosost, opotřebení ložisek, uvolněné součásti a další problémy, což umožňuje proaktivní údržbu a zabraňuje nákladným poruchám.

Výrobní a opravárenské podniky

Hlavním cílem našich zařízení jsou společnosti zabývající se výrobou, údržbou a opravami různých typů rotačních zařízení.

Patří mezi ně výrobci a servisní střediska specializující se na čerpadla, ventilátory, elektromotory, turbíny a další stroje.

Naše zařízení umožňuje přesné dynamické vyvažování přímo na místě, zefektivňuje proces údržby a zvyšuje efektivitu výroby.

Automobilový a letecký průmysl

Společnosti působící v automobilovém a leteckém průmyslu čelí potřebě zajistit vysoce přesné vyvážení hřídelí motoru a rotorů. To je důležité pro zlepšení jejich výkonu, snížení opotřebení a prodloužení jejich životnosti. Naše zařízení nabízí řešení, které vám umožní efektivně provádět tyto úkoly jak ve fázi výroby, tak během procesu údržby.

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